
vrijdag 28 april 2017

Science Has Found Proof of the Existence of God!

Is God real or not ?!
The conspiracy theory

Do we need God to explain our world or did science prove us that we don't need go at all to find out what is out there?
We have high-tech telescopes and our techonology has never been more advanced.
But what if we're here with a reason !?
Even though I'm an atheïst even i started to doubt.

NOTE : there is nothing wrong with religion even though this post isn't about an religion and more about a designer.
Not realy about a bible but more about our existence.

Is god real scientific evidence .

The conspiracy theory
A long time ago scientists used to believe that space never started.
They used to believe this mass was already there even Albert Einstein didn't agree with this.
After Edwin Hubble found out that the universe was expanding alot of scientists came to believe this mass had a beginning as we all did.
Isn't it fascinating knowing that there are so much questions without an answer.
The big bang was our beginning.
Fun fact if the expand rate of the big bang was 0,000000000000000001% larger or shorter it would recolapse and we wouldn't be here.
Which means the big bang was so finely tuned to create our universe.
Everything in the universe came from this single event that was so finely tuned.

A cosmic explosion(The big bang) has been said to bring as much life as an atomic bomb UNLESS it has been SPECIFICLY engineered to.
So if the big bang wasn't JUST RIGHT our stars and planets never could've formed.

Our planet earth.

Even though I dislike the fact that scientists are looking for planets like earth to find life on other planets. (I think if our life so complicated could be on this planet. Then there could be life on any planet adjusted to that life form.)
Our planet is JUST RIGHT one CENTIMETER and our planet would be very different we could all freeze or burn... We could all drown..

Alot of people are looking for proof they refuse to believe in something they can't see.
But what if something you couldn't see brought us here.
What if that something egineered that one cosmic explosion  SPECIFICELY to bring life brought US here.
Even though I'm an atheïst even though there is overwhelming evidence of a creator of some serious coincidences.

Life couldn't exist if there was a slight change in this all... 

DNA analysis !

The conspiracy theoryOur DNA is one of the most complex things we know and the more we find out about it the more amazed we are.
Scientists are so amazed by the brilliance behind our DNA.
The coding behind DNA is so intelligent you could literaly get every book out there, every software you won't even come close.

Alot of scientists believe that DNA is evolving due to natural selections and that sounds logical even though... Natural selection couldn't affect the first molecule out there.
Every scientist who tries to prove us wrong says the software ( intelligence ) behind our dna is to brilliant to be here without any designer.

So Do you believe there is a god or do you believe there is a designer out there that left us his finger prints ?

The bible was right about the beginning from nothing and even though I don't believe in these books I am starting to believe something has designed us for a purpose.
We all know gouverments hide things from us even though they think it's for our "own good" and we deserve to know everything out there since everyone is equal.

My opinion.

I realy like space I realy do and I do believe in life on other planets that's why i don't believe in bibles and books.
Cuz if there is a god then why would he build an entire universe for just ONE RACE.
But I start to believe there is a designer out there and why exactly you may think ?
Because the numbers are far to perfect to be there by coincidence.
I do believe coincidences can happen but not of they keep happening.

Leave a like +1 this post if you like it and tell me what you want me to write about next !
My other posts :
The hollow moon conspiracy!
We are not Alone !
Diamonds are worthless !
Hitler didn't die in WW2 !
Is God real ?
The artificial moon theory ! Planet X Nibiru!
The black knight theory.
Nuclear war on Mars
2 suns conspiracy
A zombie apocalypse
Am i a alien hybrid ?!

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