
woensdag 28 juni 2017

The thor project !

The thor project !

We all can get acces to guns so it's not hard to get weapons.
So we all know war would be very deadly.
We also are able to learn tricks to disarm someone.
But what if there is a weapon so acurate and so deadly with no possibility of disarming it.

A weapon that could end your life within minutes.
This weapon is mentioned in Nasa's secret files and many other documentaires.

In fact there were prototypes of this weapon the only problem was 
The thor project getting it in space and keeping it there.
Back when there were serious conversations about this weapon 
they didn't know much about space yet.

This project might sound like fiction but believe me it is scary real.

The funds and plans were there but the capability wasn't by then.
They said they put the plans on hold but nobody knows if that is what happened.
Some people who knew about the plans were terrified but forced to keep their mouth shut.

This wasn't a weapon of elemination more like prevention if someone left the federal reserve.

We're all going to die !

With alot of people question the system right now it's not sure what'll happen.
The most logic thing they'll do is make a war.
People will be terified and will walk in the line again.

This weapon however can kill anyone who they dislike.
The thor project Kim-Jong Un could die any second if this weapon is out there.
SO perhaps there is a reason he is still alive.
For example they need him for a war.

When we talk about a war we most of the time think about disasters.
Tons of death people and that is true.
But the extreme elites actualy benefit from this.
As when the war ends they need new buildings.

They need new supplies and who do you think has all of this.
Ofcourse the elites.
They'll introduce some new famous people and so forth.

This weapon would've been used for NECESSARY THINGS only.
But by now we know we can't rely on the gouverment when we're talking about REAL INFORMATION.

Are we safe !?
The thor project

Atleast for now we are yes.
Well if you have some sensitive info that might hurt the 
gouverment or any elite you might not be safe.
As this weapon would be so accurate it would trace you in seconds and hit you within minutes.

So you have no running away time.
It'll literaly kill you before you even know you are a target.
So it would calculate where it would hit you if you would run away.

The gouverment would have this weapon of destruction and we wouldn't know about it.
As we don't know about alot of stuff they're hiding as if it's their right.
No everyone deserves to know the things they hide.

Even though not everyone has proof and neither have i.
All i know is the things i've read and seen.
And i realy wanted to share this with you guys.
Note: the control of this weapon would be by remote.

dinsdag 27 juni 2017

We're all going to die !

We're all going to die !

We all will die one day or another and most of us fear this.
But what if our death is closer than you imagine.
We're all going to dieWould you regret all the dirty deeds you ever commited ?
Or are you proud of the life you lived !

We're all being watched.

People believe that alien civilizations are among us and are monitoring us.
Monitoring the way we destroy eco systems.
We're destroying our enviroment and some people believe aliens will punish us for this.

The point is this theory is possible.
Scientists simulated their theory by randomly placing planets across the galaxy.
They should communicate with each other with messages that are traveling with the speed of light.

Those alien races should exist for a million years and is very unlikely to happen.
But this theory is yet to be disaproved as noone has evidence wether this is fake or real.
Even though it would be almost natural if there are aliens we don't know wether they exist or not.
Since the gouverment hides stuff from us.

It has been proven and even admitted by NASA itself that they're hiding stuff from us.
We're all going to die
Stuff we should and deserve to know.
Still they're wondered why we question the system...

Some people think those aliens have a base on the Moon and the moon is actually a refugee base for aliens who's planets are destroyed.
Other people believe those aliens are among us.

They camouflage theirselves as humans and animals so they can monitor every step.

Then you have sceptisism... those people who deny any event from happening and most of the time have no evidence to back up their ideas.
Also there are alot of people who believe in something and declare things to be fake without the right evidence.. Such ass those flat earth theorists...

How we're being watched !

It has been said that they control the eco system and they monitor the amount of species that went extinct by our visit on earth.
Since the earth is our habitat it's natural we try to survive.
Even though since humanity is on earth alot of species went extinct.

If this sounds weird then know that google used to read every mail out there.
They could easily analyse what you send.
We're all going to dieEvery nude and every mail every dirty secret is theirs.

So if a random big company has the ability to read and analyse every mail.
Then why wouldn't a alien race be able to do that.
There is an intresting movie being released named the circle kind of talking about monitoring people.

How dangerous it could be and how they'll be able to control your life by exactly knowing what you'll do.

For example they will be able to exactly tell  you what kind of toothpaste you use.
What taste of condom you use.
What size your clothes are.
This isn't scary is it.

They'll know exactly when you leave and your children are home.
Exactly when you visit other rooms.
Sounds scary right ?!

maandag 26 juni 2017

Global warming is a lie.

Global warming is a lie.

Do you believe the earth is dying ?
Running at its maximum and we're just destroying it.
Or do you believe the gouverment uses this as an excuses.
Global warming is a lie
Do you know even Donald Trump doesn't believe in the global warming?
Even though he isn't that smart so i'm not suprised.
I myself do believe in the global warming.

Proof ? My country was so hot that they forbid us to play around with water.
Cuz of the drought let me tell you Belgium isn't famous cuz of their weather.
Most of the time it's rainy over here and very cold.
The last few days none of this appeared to be true.

Yes I do know even climates can change and so forth.

Even though we used to have plenty of snow at christmass there is none.
What i mean even though the climate could change it wouldn't be so drastic for our country.
Yes i do know how usefull the global warming is for the gouverments.

Not only do they make tons on selling products that could "help" us.
Global warming is a lieThey make us live in fear so we forget to ask questions.
So we would obey and walk in a straight line nice and neat.

Global warming hoax.

Alot of the powerfull people spoke out about the global warming.
Why they did this i have no clue.
Even though this could be reversal psychology.
They say it is fake so we wouldn't believe them and so forth.

This might be true and might be much worse.
I have no idea.
What i do know however is that the climate change is real and there is almost nothing we can do.

Even if we all would stop driving cars and forbid all the toxic gasses and so forth the damage has been done already.

Alot of people thought we would die by the sun though.
They seemed to be wrong even tho they always were.
If the sun dies and earth stays unarmed it doesn't mean we couldn't survive.

Or well technically. Our core is so hot we could still live in theory.
But it would be very cold and night forever.
So all we have to do is take care of our planet.
And even this little job people refuse to do.

Why? Because we're lazy.

Global warming is a lieWe wouldn't be able to do the same sort of intensive things our race would be able to without all this technology.
We used to be the apex predators now we're weak using a gun.

Do you believe in the global warming ?
If not what is your theory and your evidence.
Share this with me and maybe YOU will be mentioned in another article !

I'll try and post as often as i can this might be 2-3 times a week.
Minimal 2 times a week though.
If you have a theory or something fun i should do research about.

Just comment and let me know !

Maybe you might be the one with the idea of the next article.
Or maybe not.

donderdag 22 juni 2017

Satanic cult rituals

Satanic cult rituals.

Satanic cult ritualsWe all know satanism is one of those weird things out there.
Normally I would say believe in whatever you want to believe in.
But when you're killing people and hurting people you're crossing the line.
Just as every religion Satanism is a religion.
When we're talking about Satanic Ritual Abuse we often mention it as SRA.

Did you know it actualy happens?
Some people are victims because their parents say so.
You can literaly give your kid away for SRA so you can get a higher rank.
Cult based SRA is the worst form of SRA out there.
Those cults are big groups who worship Satan.
Why they believe in Satan ?
They have a different idea about religion.

A satanist once told me demons hide in the orion belt.
They believe humans are powerfull beings and the one we call God tricked us.
Satanic cult rituals
He took our powers and hide them that is why we're weak.

Whilst Satan is the real God the good one but God made us believe he is the bad one.

satanic cult rituals caught on video !?

People participating in Satanism are often believed to be delusional.
They do weird things without a result.
They abuse people even go so far to murder people.

They believe what they do will be rewarded.
If Satan was the Good one he wouldn't tell you to murder people.
So then you are the stain on his name.

As you see these people actualy need some therapy.
They have ranks within the cult.
Such as Magus which is the highest rank out there.

They also have such things as after school satanism.
Yes they're not only targetting adults to brainwash !
Satanic cult ritualsAlso your kids are in danger and who knows what they will do.

Their goal is to counter evangelism and to destroy christianity and other religions.
Even though I saw a documentary before about a satanist.
When he went to church because his girlfriend was religious.
He was sick he didn't feel good.

As if his whole body was in pain.

He attacked the priest and tripped.
This is why I said they are delussional.

Satanic cult survivor stories

The worst thing is when the parents aren't the ones abusing the kid they don't believe the kid.
It's often that parents say that the things happened to them wasn't real and they just have alot of imagination.

Kids don't imagine these things !
If your kid fantasies about satanism and abusive stuff they're mental.
Believe your kid when they speak out.

In hours of footage, they talked about how the devil-worshippers preyed on the wealthy community, holding pedophilic orgies and murdering innocent people. They said the Satanists abused and tortured babies, slitting their throats, drinking their blood and dancing while wearing their skulls.
I'm not going to describe certain survivor stories but believe me.
Where there is abuse there are survivors.
Most of the time they target kids.

And alot of people often don't believe their kids.
Just cuz this stuff is weird just cuz it doesn't happen that much.

woensdag 21 juni 2017

Religion is Mind control !

Religion is Mind control !
Religion is Mind control

If you are religious then you shouldn't be here unless you're mature enough to accept someone else's opinion. Is religion a tool for mind control or is God real ?!
Do we have to pray at temples and churches every weekend to honor God ?
I myself tried to believe once you should read the full story !

Religion mass mind control!

Being religious is just as believing earth is flath. If there is some real evidence against your religion you can either accept it or dismiss it as it never happened.
As most religious people do.

For this article I interviewed a few religious people some christians and some muslims.
Religion is Mind controlI asked them one simple question. Why do you believe in something that isn't proven to be true.
They didn't come up with "it doesn't have to be proven to be real" or "God is real he speaks to me" No they didn't.
They were honest and all they came up with "I think it is comfortabel to believe in a afterlife and if there is one then i think i should deserve this".

I was shocked because I have my own ideas. I asked them why they read the bible and the Quran. None of them could give a serious answer.
Every religious book is written by humans so you're not following and worshipping a certain God no you're worshipping the author which made big bucks.

I'm not saying Jesus didn't exist but look at the facts.
You're worshipping a book written by humans EVEN KILLING in the name of your God because of that book.
This is the most obvious form of mind control there is.

Religion is Mind controlReligion and Racism.

There is a big difference between Racism and Religion.
People often blame other religions for terrorism without ACTUAL proof.
They yell some islamic sentences and suddenly they are muslims? 
That isn't proof at all that is stupidity.

Even though Religion and Racism are different from each other they still support each other.
As for both you have to be stupid.
You have to be capable of closing your eyes and listen to someone else.

Just as people who believe the earth is flat religious people see proof in everything.
Religion is Mind controlEven though it doesn't make sense at all we don't have the right to tell them what they have to believe in. 

What is hilarious however is that those religious people brainwashed by those stupid books often claim they're conspiracy theorists.
They post things about mind-control and the elite whilst they're victims theirselves.

If you tell a religious person God isn't real they will fight you till the death.
Even though i myself believe in an intelligent designer that brought us here.
I think it is stupid to depend on a book.

"            If you realy care for me proof that i have to live carefully.                  "
But i'll be damned if i put my pleasure aside for a afterlife that isn't guaranteed. 
                              This life is all i got and heaven is all in my brain. 
 "                                                                                                                         "
 They give us a book but they don't expect us to analyse it.
They act as if they have all the answers but humans can't provide them.
We act as if we're allmighty even though we're vulnerable and weak.

If we would see God even once Everyone would believe.

zondag 18 juni 2017

Digital Money vs Cash

Digital Money vs Cash.
Digital Money vs Cash

We all know the banking world is controlling our money as we store it in their computers.
From the moment we put our money in that digital world we lose it.
Even though your bank account will still say you have the same amount and you'll still be able to retrieve your money.
Once the banks are bankrupt you'll lose everything and i'll tell you why.

Digital money advantages and disadvantages !

Digital Money vs CashWell as everything has their up & downsides it might be difficult to decide wether to take part or not.
For example storing your money in your bank account is easy.
You can check on your Account 24/7 and transfer it when you want.

You don't need to take care of your bills and coins.
The bank does all that for you and you can even get extra money a year for storing it.

Without us the banks have no money at all.
If a bank goes bankrupt they use our money to pay their bills.
When your money is stored in your bank account they use this money.

Yes they invest in stocks constantly that is how they make profit.
Whilst your account still says the same amount and official you still own the same amount of money.
When they make a wrong investment you'll lose all your money eventually if this makes them go bankrupt.

From the moment you put your money in your bank account you are their property.
They literaly OWN you. You need money to pay for food, water and all of your bills.
Whilst if you have cash it is in your hands and the one having it in his / her hands actualy owns this money.
Digital Money vs Cash

Digital generation Money.

Nowadays everyone either has their money on their bank account or are making money online.
But what if that option fell away.
What if your bank or paypal went bankrupt you would lose everything.
But since everyone is earning money they are to.

Every bit you're saving isn't yours even though your bank account says different.
This however is the world of banking.
Aslong as you have your money on the bank the gouverment controls you.

Scarcity, they give you everything a human demands lately.
Because the human race is getting lazy so we can control our money from home.
We like to see our stuff and we hate it to store stuff cuz there is a way of losing it.

All the bank has to do is give you a simple card that makes you able to control your account.
Yeah, i'm not realy a big fan of using a bank but it is necessary as you most likely need to loan money for a house.
Your boss will most of the time send money to your bank account also.
So your whole life is controlled by digital generation hoping nothing goes wrong !
Isn't that bad ? Well i think it is ! Thanks for reading !