The thor project !
We all can get acces to guns so it's not hard to get weapons.
So we all know war would be very deadly.
We also are able to learn tricks to disarm someone.
But what if there is a weapon so acurate and so deadly with no possibility of disarming it.
A weapon that could end your life within minutes.
This weapon is mentioned in Nasa's secret files and many other documentaires.
In fact there were prototypes of this weapon the only problem was
Back when there were serious conversations about this weapon
they didn't know much about space yet.
This project might sound like fiction but believe me it is scary real.
The funds and plans were there but the capability wasn't by then.
They said they put the plans on hold but nobody knows if that is what happened.
Some people who knew about the plans were terrified but forced to keep their mouth shut.
This wasn't a weapon of elemination more like prevention if someone left the federal reserve.
We're all going to die !
With alot of people question the system right now it's not sure what'll happen.
The most logic thing they'll do is make a war.
People will be terified and will walk in the line again.
This weapon however can kill anyone who they dislike.
SO perhaps there is a reason he is still alive.
For example they need him for a war.
When we talk about a war we most of the time think about disasters.
Tons of death people and that is true.
But the extreme elites actualy benefit from this.
As when the war ends they need new buildings.
They need new supplies and who do you think has all of this.
Ofcourse the elites.
They'll introduce some new famous people and so forth.
This weapon would've been used for NECESSARY THINGS only.
But by now we know we can't rely on the gouverment when we're talking about REAL INFORMATION.
Are we safe !?
Atleast for now we are yes.
Well if you have some sensitive info that might hurt the
gouverment or any elite you might not be safe.
As this weapon would be so accurate it would trace you in seconds and hit you within minutes.
So you have no running away time.
It'll literaly kill you before you even know you are a target.
So it would calculate where it would hit you if you would run away.
The gouverment would have this weapon of destruction and we wouldn't know about it.
As we don't know about alot of stuff they're hiding as if it's their right.
No everyone deserves to know the things they hide.
Even though not everyone has proof and neither have i.
All i know is the things i've read and seen.
And i realy wanted to share this with you guys.
Note: the control of this weapon would be by remote.