
woensdag 21 juni 2017

Religion is Mind control !

Religion is Mind control !
Religion is Mind control

If you are religious then you shouldn't be here unless you're mature enough to accept someone else's opinion. Is religion a tool for mind control or is God real ?!
Do we have to pray at temples and churches every weekend to honor God ?
I myself tried to believe once you should read the full story !

Religion mass mind control!

Being religious is just as believing earth is flath. If there is some real evidence against your religion you can either accept it or dismiss it as it never happened.
As most religious people do.

For this article I interviewed a few religious people some christians and some muslims.
Religion is Mind controlI asked them one simple question. Why do you believe in something that isn't proven to be true.
They didn't come up with "it doesn't have to be proven to be real" or "God is real he speaks to me" No they didn't.
They were honest and all they came up with "I think it is comfortabel to believe in a afterlife and if there is one then i think i should deserve this".

I was shocked because I have my own ideas. I asked them why they read the bible and the Quran. None of them could give a serious answer.
Every religious book is written by humans so you're not following and worshipping a certain God no you're worshipping the author which made big bucks.

I'm not saying Jesus didn't exist but look at the facts.
You're worshipping a book written by humans EVEN KILLING in the name of your God because of that book.
This is the most obvious form of mind control there is.

Religion is Mind controlReligion and Racism.

There is a big difference between Racism and Religion.
People often blame other religions for terrorism without ACTUAL proof.
They yell some islamic sentences and suddenly they are muslims? 
That isn't proof at all that is stupidity.

Even though Religion and Racism are different from each other they still support each other.
As for both you have to be stupid.
You have to be capable of closing your eyes and listen to someone else.

Just as people who believe the earth is flat religious people see proof in everything.
Religion is Mind controlEven though it doesn't make sense at all we don't have the right to tell them what they have to believe in. 

What is hilarious however is that those religious people brainwashed by those stupid books often claim they're conspiracy theorists.
They post things about mind-control and the elite whilst they're victims theirselves.

If you tell a religious person God isn't real they will fight you till the death.
Even though i myself believe in an intelligent designer that brought us here.
I think it is stupid to depend on a book.

"            If you realy care for me proof that i have to live carefully.                  "
But i'll be damned if i put my pleasure aside for a afterlife that isn't guaranteed. 
                              This life is all i got and heaven is all in my brain. 
 "                                                                                                                         "
 They give us a book but they don't expect us to analyse it.
They act as if they have all the answers but humans can't provide them.
We act as if we're allmighty even though we're vulnerable and weak.

If we would see God even once Everyone would believe.

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