
zaterdag 29 april 2017

Hitler didn't commit suicide !?

Hitler didn't die in 1945!
The conspiracy theory

Many of us believe the story of hitler killing himself with his wife but is this true?
Were the bodies they found realy hitler and his wife or were they lieing all this time to us ?
Alot of people as myself have the urge to get to know all they hide from us.
Read more about it in this post !

Hitlers didn't die in berlin !

When Germany was on their knees the soviets indentified hitlers body.
The conspiracy theory
So they should know the body didn't match Hitlers identity.
Just lets assume none of us are nazi supporters.
Why would they lie about hitlers death.
Ofcourse people would and still hate him for what he has done.

Alot of people still believe he is death and he is.
But Hitler didn't die on the age we believed he did he died at 95 years of age.
The difference is pretty big.

The worst part of all this is that the US gouverment knew he was alive a very long time before we knew it.
They actualy knew his location, alot of people even acused them of helping hitler escape.
Then there is still one question left WHY ? why would you help someone who killed millions of people literaly made this whole world burn.

A few weeks ago I was watching discovery channel ( very fun and intresting to watch btw ! ) when there was a part about hitler.
Saying hitler was dieing anyway and he was a drug addict.
But this couldn't be true since hitler actualy died at his 95 years old.

Hitler didn't die proof!

The conspiracy theory

Now why would you believe a conspiracy theorist who talks about alot of things he believe in right ?
I mean it's not cuz i talk about things they should be true no.
But what if I told you the FBI confirmed he was still alive in SOUTH-AMERICA !
Yes, the fbi leaked or released this document confirming he was alive and they knew this.
Not only did they lie they kept this from us also.

Now this is a pretty huge thing cuz alot of war heroes died with a thought they finally killed all evil.
But perhaps they didn't directly.
Perhaps hitler was still alive.

Hitler didn't die and fled to Argentina ?!

In 1945 the US got notified that there was a submarine ariving in Argentina.
Well that could be anyone right.
Till in August 1945 an unindetified witness has information about hitlers whereabouts.
So the Russians were hiding his whereabouts but WHY.
Untill 2009 there wasn't any real proof for us so they didn't had to worry.
Untill an archeologist decided to do some research on the skull fragments suposed to be hitlers and his wife's skull fragments.
Finding out this didn't match either one of them.

So they fled with a submarine and people think the Russians and the US were helping them.
Perhaps cuz he knew too much.
Or is there another reason !?
I want to hear your thoughts on this in the comments ! Like and +1 to see more of this !

My other posts :
The hollow moon conspiracy!
We are not Alone !
Diamonds are worthless !
Hitler didn't die in WW2 !
Is God real ?
The artificial moon theory ! Planet X Nibiru!
The black knight theory.
Nuclear war on Mars
2 suns conspiracy
A zombie apocalypse
Am i a alien hybrid ?!

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