
zondag 30 april 2017

Diamonds are worthless!

Diamonds are actually worthless!

the conspiracy theory
We all know diamonds are pretty expensive or that's what has been told and what shops say.
But what if I told you just as money there are enough diamonds to give everyone plenty of it?
What if  I told you they lied to you all this time and you're overpaying something that isn't worth it?
Read more about it in this post !

How diamonds are worthless.

the conspiracy theory
They make us believe diamonds are very rare and that is why they're so expensive.
Actualy de beers who made the "diamond cartel" happen is one of those reasons.
He was and his "cartel" is responsible for the price as they release a few diamonds every year in "sights" every year they do a few "sights" and "sightholders" such as diamond shops ( those who polish the rock ) can buy it for a lower price.

Cuz they release a very few of this they keep the price low.
Imagine giving everyone a million dollars then a million would be worthless in no time cuz prices would rise almost instantly.

Why is this ? This is how economy works. "Merchandising" we buy things and we have the urge to make profit to make a living.

Why diamonds are worthless ?

Imagine having a good sustainable bussines which is making you millions if not billions.
Would you give it up for other their pleasure?
No you want to keep your brand exclusive this is exactly the same with clothes.
We don't pay for the clothes we pay for the brand for the exclusivity;
People always want to be more than another.
We want the shine we want the bling so others can see our succes.
But in fact this stupid rock isn't proving anything but the fact you just wasted a ton of money.



A planet of diamonds!
The conspiracy theory

In fact there is a planet out there somewhere which is made completely of diamonds.
AWESOME right?
But just lets assume if you could import the whole planet of diamonds and sell it all ?
You would be rich right ?
No you wouldn't make alot of profit.
Why ? Cuz the amount of diamonds released is so specific to keep the price as it is.
Every discount on the price is organised by them to keep it realistic so people would keep buying it.

My other posts :
The hollow moon conspiracy!
We are not Alone !
Diamonds are worthless !
Hitler didn't die in WW2 !
Is God real ?
The artificial moon theory ! Planet X Nibiru!
The black knight theory.
Nuclear war on Mars
2 suns conspiracy
A zombie apocalypse
Am i a alien hybrid ?!

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