
maandag 1 mei 2017

Aliens are out there !

Aliens are out there and they look like us !
the conspiracy theory

We are a very arrogant species and i'll tell you exactly why.
All the years here on earth we act as if we're the most powerfull and the only beings here.
We act as if only WE are important.

We all know those alien movies where the earth got overrun by aliens but afterall we survive ?
That is cuz we like to believe we're stronger than any race out there.

There were enough reports out there even by Nikola Tesla who reported an satelite orbiting earth in an age that couldn't be us.
Since back then we had no satelites out there we weren't that advanced.

We all know the gouverment hides things from us.

Aliens in egyptian hieroglyphics !
the conspiracy theory

This hieroglyph is 3000 years old so scientists thought someone was messing around and went there before and draw those signs there.
So they did some experiments and research which proved them wrong as it was original.

For those not knowing what hieroglyphics are ? This is the same as our history books but for the ancient egyptians who used to draw events on a wall as our history books.
We can learn alot out of this by just watching but sometimes you gotta take a step back and look at the full picture.
There is no way these drawings could be there without any form of proof as egyptians used to draw only IMPORTANT events in there.

So people used and still believe aliens were a reason of ancient egyptians their advancement as they were a very smart kind of people with alot of influence on this world as they were one of the biggest empires out there.

Footsteps on the moon !

Even though I couldn't find pictures on google i'm sure there will be some pictures out there of this.
NASA has some documents of reports of GIANT footsteps. A path of steps which seemed to be footsteps but in an IMENSE scale.
As if 10 - 100 humans could literaly stand in it. This was a secret till a while ago even though as it seems alot of people seem to forget this.
Could it be that we weren't the first on the moon?
Ofcourse it could be as we know almost nothing about outerspace.


  1. We know outerspace is full of danger.
  2. We know the universe is big.
  3. We know a few about stars, dark holes and so forth.
We can't realy know more we just ASSUME just as we ASSUME that life has to be like on earth to sustain any complex life form.
WE ASSUME we don't have any PROOF.

If it was that simple we would have every answer in no time.

Simple Logic !

the conspiracy theory
We all know that the earth is a rare planet like 1/500000000 but if there is one earth like planet in these 500000000 planets then based on logic there has to be 2 earthlike planets in 1000000000 planets.
Simple logic even though we found earthlike planets  as Kepler-186f.
Those planets are for now out of our reach as we still have the boundry of going faster than the speed of light.
Which if we could overcome this limit alot of our problems would go away even though it could cause more problems if there was an hostile life form out there who could've been more advanced than us.
We have this arrogant idea that every form of life or every planet has to be 100% like earth so every life form could develop as on earth.
We refuse to believe that other complex life forms on planets unknown to us could develop life.
But this is very very stupid as if we came to earth THERE must be another species on another planet who can sustain either heath or cold who doesn't need water or oxygen as we do.

Even though scientists like to believe in facts which keeps them stupid as they refuse to look further than just the human race.

My other posts :
The hollow moon conspiracy!
We are not Alone !
Diamonds are worthless !
Hitler didn't die in WW2 !
Is God real ?
The artificial moon theory ! Planet X Nibiru!
The black knight theory.
Nuclear war on Mars
2 suns conspiracy
A zombie apocalypse
Am i a alien hybrid ?!

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