
zondag 7 mei 2017

Ebola vaccin !?

Ebola vaccin !?
Ebola vaccin

We all know ebola and we all know how dangerous it was...
It killed thousands of people all over the world and it wasnt its first time !
What if we recreated ebola ? What if the vacin contained ebola.

Ebola outbreak !?
ebola vaccin

In 2015 there was an outbreak in Nigeria and wouldn't it be a coincidence if there are alot of diamond mines back there ?
Even though diamonds are literaly worthless since the amount they're selling it for it is better to mine it than to leave it rigth ?
Well not if you have to kill people for it.

It has been said that ebola was a artificial remake of the original virus. So that America could get their troops there.
Isn't it a coincidence ? That on that specific area there was an outbreak ?
Ofcourse it was but people often don't think further than their own country.

America went to nigeria with a vaccin this should be the cure for ebola. What they didn't tell those poor people is that that vaccin actualy was ebola.
Ebola vaccinAmerica had a reason to stay there and they had no competition in the mines they could literaly take all they actualy want.

What if I am wrong what if there was an actual outbreak. Would America go and help just like that ?
If there was absolutely nothing to benefit from ?
We are humans we always go for personal benefits.
We can't help it but is this a reason to kill thousands of people for some money ?

If this is true then it means the world elite literaly can do anything they want and actualy get away with it.
They didn't even hesitate isn't that abnormal ?

They could also spread this virus just to prevent overpopulation something that is getting more serious by the day.
Everyday there are more kids born than people dieing which might seem cute and sweet but the ugly truth is we don't know if we can house more people much longer.

Earth is running out of resources and we humans are its virus. We use literaly everything we can get we cut every single tree out there.
While we need more of it to keep ourselves alive.

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