
dinsdag 9 mei 2017

CIA & Drug Trafficking?

CIA & Drug Trafficking?
CIA & Drug Trafficking

Well we all know the cia is highly against drugs or well that is what we've been taught.
They are well known to take down some serious drug lords.
Or did they?
Didn't they deal some drugs theirselves  ?


The cia is known to sell drugs and all the profit they made wasn't for the country.
They used money they make like that to take down monarchy's.
They illegaly paided rebels so noone would find out so they would get the job done.

CIA & Drug TraffickingAgain you see that the CIA or the US gouverment don't realy care about lifes.
They care about profit, they control the world and noone is going or daring enough to stop them.
We acuse Rusland of hacking our elections but our country is selling drugs behind our backs.

They literaly sell these drugs to buy weapons and vechicles without anyone ever finding out or well that was their job.
Even though the CIA has proven to suck at such things since alot of things they did are getting known.

Well they don't realy suck we're just getting smarter. I highly dislike drugs and if they want to make money somehow go set-up a lemonade stance and have fun.
but selling drugs is gone to far.

This agains shows howmuch we're worth for them and how easy it is to sacrifice people for their cause.
Idk wheter to be dissapointed or be angry or well both.
The cia again killing people and noone doing ANYTHING about it !

Well they're not realy killing people they're smart enough...
They make some people do it for them.
Just cuz they disagree with certain leaders.
It's their country it is not our job to interfere eventhough when it effects anything the CIA want or they dislike a specific thing they just fix it like this.

The heart attack weapon !?

The heart attack weapon !?
The heart attack weapon

A weapon that is untraceable and will always result in the same cause of dead ?
Dangerous right ? but why do we need this weapon ?
Why do we need a weapon that is untraceable and will always end up giving us hearthattacks.

The CIA assasination gun ?!

Yes, The cia was inventing this gun simply cuz they could assasinate people and it couldn't be traced back to them.
So everyone who would disagree with the CIA or the US in general could get killed isn't that dangerous ?

The gun would shoot a frozen bullet with shell fish toxins. When the bullet is in the target it melts instantly and causes a hearth attack.
The heart attack weaponJust as simple as that. Noone could question the CIA cuz there wouldn't be any lead to go on and find the murderer.

It has been said that this weapon is out of use but people believe other wise.
When the CIA has a chance on using a gun that is untraceable believe me they won't just leave it there.
They'll take their shot and develop the gun.

Who is going to stop them anyway ? It has been said that Mark Pittman is death by this weapon and here i'll tell you why.
Mark knew alot about this weapon and said that the crisis etc is the fault of this weapon.

A bit later he turned out to be death. They declassified the weapon and said they didn't continue the project but there is no prove out there.
Still people are dieing all over the world but is this cuz of the CIA or is it just life?
I think we'll never know for sure !

maandag 8 mei 2017

AIDS is invented by the CIA ?!

AIDS is invented by the CIA ?!
AIDS is invented by the CIA

We all know how deadly aids is and how impossible it is to cure or well that is what they told us.
Millions of people die from it and all you can do about it is take some medications to take away or atleast soften the symptoms.
It is not possible "again that is what they tell us" to cure aids but it is possible to soften it ? hmm. Weird.

More profit ?!

AIDS is invented by the CIAYou might think the most logical conclusion that they invented aids to gain alot of profit on the medication.
That would explain why they don't release a cure or atleast not publicly.
Actualy AIDS is not SPECIFICLY for profit.

They actualy invented aids because they wanted to lower our population.
Even though the big profit they earn is also a logic explanation it is not the biggest problem.
If they need money they'll find some other ways.

Why lower our population ? The answer to that question is cruel but obvious.
More people is less resources and that makes our planet like a time bomb.
We're slowly dieing as we're running VERY SLOWLY but sure out of suplies.
Even though our consumation is growing big time and also is our waste.

I don't think it is a good idea to lower our population since it is cruel but that is perhaps why they choose cruel people to lead countries or even the world.
They need to make certain choices.
The only thing i realy dislike is that rich people & powerfull people have much more chance on survivng that us !

Mind control through drinkwater !?

Mind control through drinkwater !?
mind control through water

Well we all know about mind control through religion and through music but did you ever heard about mind controlling through water & food ?!
Well it is possible and it is happening to humanity right now or well it most likely is.

Fluoride in drink water ?!
mind control through water

If you don't know what fluoride is it is common in water but it isn't good for humans.
Some people say there is no fluoride in our water but others say there is and a serious amount.
It has been said that when you drink a large amount of water with fluoride in it you'll eventually get depressed or gain some weight. You'll be more willing and less critizing.

In fact that little bit of fluoride can change your personality for a bit.
It can also kill people if it is consumed in a big amount it can stop your hearth from beating.
Which ofcourse will make you end up death if you don't have the required help.

mind control through waterHow can they use this to mindcontrol us?

Very easily. people who are fat or depressed even critize less are far more influenceable than people who are capable of thinking clearly and have the possibility to critize.
For example, the news is picturing moslims as if they're very bad people.
In nature they're actualy good people and you know what they're OUR people.
They're the same RACE but still they manage to make us hate them.

Why ? Cuz they can make us believe anything they realy want.
They control the news, they control the music bussines all they have to do is take awake your capability of critizing & thinking clearly and they can do literaly ANYTHING to you without you even knowing.

No, noone will come and rape you in your ass without you knowing no worries.
I am more aiming on the psychological stuff.
mind control through waterThey can make you buy things to make yourself "feel better"'.
Believe me you'll even feel better too since there is this effect named the placebo effect.

Your body can even get sick when you believe it to be.
It's not when you wake up and you keep saying you're sick you'll eventualy get sick.
No, When you feel bad and you don't feel like doing anything and you hate the whole while world.
You're more likely to get sick.

While people who are happy and very confident are less likely to get sick and even though when they're sick ? They'll still be confident.
This is all cuz imagination is a very powerfull force !

The FBI poisoned the alcohol !?

The FBI poisoned the alcohol !?
The fbi poisoned the alcohol

We all know that the FBI & CIA do things they're not suposed to do but they do it anyway.
Aslong as noone knows it there is no problem.
But when there are cassualties people never take this lightly.
Even covering it up won't help them.

Christmass Eve in 1926 !?

Back in 1926 a men came running into the emergency room screaming that Santa Claus was going to hurt him and that he was right behind him with a baseball bat.
This person died of alcohol poisoning.
The fbi poisoned the alcohol
In two days 8 people died and during celebration a bit later 23 people died.

Alcohol poisoning can happen in alot of cases but it is strange to happen THAT MUCH in the same area.
It often happens when you drink much but faaar too much alcohol and most likely on a very young age since alcohol is more effective then.

What happens when the alcohol is poisoned ? Then poisoning a big amount of people wouldn't be strange right.
Why would they do such thing since it is easy money right ?

Well back in 1926 we were in the prohibition era and alcohol was banned. Still people kept consuming moonshine whisky and all sorts of alcohol.
Even though it was banned still everyone was drinking.

The FBI is that one spoiled brat that doesn't understand a No and gets frustrated when something doesn't happen their way.
So frustrated with the fact that people weren't listening and still were drinking.
The fbi poisoned the alcohol
They decided to poison all the alcohol as a form of statement even though there were 31 cassualties REPORTED note not everyone went to the hospital and so forth cuz they were scared.
Alcohol was banned so people often avoided the hospital for such problems.

In 1933 the prohibition ended and all the deaths were for nothing.
But why do they care right they're "just" people. 
They're our ancestors killed for being young and stupid.
If everyone has to be killed for being stupid damn i think 70% of our youth would get murdered.

Are the night doctors REAL ?!

Are the night doctors REAL ?!
The night doctors

You might now that in the early years of America they went to get slaves in africa right ?!
But did you know alot of doctors used to practice on Africain people ?
We all know the ku kux clan and their racism is familair to everyone.
Maybe it is all even far worse than that !

Myth !

In every myth there is a form of truth hidden within.
Did you know that alot of doctors used to practice on slaves both the living and death.
The night doctorsSimply cuz they believed Africain people thought they were biological different than white people.

Doctors used to do cruel things as performing brain surgery without any anesthetics even when they were perfectly healthy just to try and find the difference.
Not only that they used to rob bodies from the slave graves & perform alot of studies on them.

The night doctors however are based on a myth with alot of different sides on it.
There is one in the SUPERNATURAL sector but on in the more realistic sector.
The night doctors however are said to roam around and hunt on slaves.

Performing cruel studies on them. Back then the slaves were living in fear.
They kidnapped slaves in the name of research.
All this is suposed to be a myth.
But the serious amount of articles and rumors released about them sometimes makes it seem other wise.

They used to disect the slaves so they could see the internal differences.
There weren't enough bodies to supply every school so they went to rob graves.
The night doctorsAnd in the worst case they would kill slaves.

The night doctors !

The night doctors are most of the time the invention of white doctors.
They said that those night doctors were wearing ku kux clan clothes.
They're also called dread doctors.

3 wicked scientists who live forever in a seperated dimension thriving to find perfection.
Experimenting on every living being they need.
You could see them if you read a specific book or heared a specific tune.
So low you wouldn't even notice it.

Note: this is only a myth but a very intresting one.

zondag 7 mei 2017

CIA hypnosis assasins ?!

CIA hypnosis assasins ?!
CIA hypnosis assasins

Do you believe in hypnosis ? Do you believe that your brain can come in a sort of trance while your brains are in the theta state ?!
What if it is real and the CIA actualy uses this to hypnose people to make them work for them.
What if i told you it might even be their daily practice.

The assasin theory !?

There is a theory out there that the CIA used to hypnose people and made them to do specific things with a trigger word.
They had been told to go to a certain place and wait for a call during that call they would say the trigger word and they would do what they've been ordered.

CIA hypnosis assasinsThis was a great way of secretely sending a message that shouldn't be traceable.
Cuz only the people with the trigger word would actualy know about that.
This was a very common practice and a very efficient one.

It also has been said that the cia uses hypnosis during interrogations so they would get every information they need just like that.
But note : hypnosis is not that simple it takes a while to prepare and it is hard and almost impossibile to perform when someone doesn't want to get hypnotized.

You need to believe in hypnosis in order to work is one of the most cliché things out there.
It is possible to hypnose anyone but it is not possible to make them do ANYTHING against their will.
For example undress theirselves just like that.
That kind of stuff is not possible since there is one limitation named free will.

Every thing from hacking to the simplest job in the world can have dark side if you let it to.
Or as hackers would say this everything has a blackhat side.
I'm not familliar or well not that familliar with hypnosis.
But i've read it is possible to hypnose someone against their will with a specific technique.
CIA hypnosis assasins
They would confuse you by saying alot of things you wouldn't understand untill they think you're ready.
Then they would ACTUALLY hypnotise you and complete their job.
Note : it is not that easy and you shouldn't do it. I myself believe there is alot more involved.

To perform hypnosis you gotta be calm yourself you can't just yell to someone. You need to bring them to a very relaxed stated named THETA state.
Their brain is not asleep but not completely awake either.

Alpha state is when you're completely awake and your brain is functioning the whole time whilst beta state is when you're asleep and your brain is only doing the necessary functions for you to sleep.
Theta however is between beta and alpha it is relaxation you can fall asleep but you can't either.

sources :

Scientology Conspiracy !?

Scientology Conspiracy !?
scientology conspiracy

We all know scientology and the fact that it is the fastest growing "religion" proves the fact how well known it was.
But did you know they were secret for 50 years long ?
Did Ron Hubbard made this religion just for money or did he had some other reasons ?

Operation snow white !?

Operation snow white was a mean conspiracy by the scientology church.
They infiltrated multiple gouverment agencies with the hope to delete all the bad things about the church.
While this operation was active scientology members commited to wiretapping and theft of gouverment documents.

Scientology conspiracyDid you know multiple TOP-ACTORS are members of the scientology church ?!
Ron Hubbard claimed that he taught people to live their lifes better well i don't care if my life sucks if i gotta take everyone who doubts my beliefs so define "better".

If you dislike their beliefs you might be in dangers when you speak out for your beliefs.
For example Shawn Lonsdale who had a "verbal" fight with a scientologist member about redevelopment issues at a city council.
They followed him to home so he started to get more intrested in scientology.

He went to video tape some of their members and gather evidence.
They found this out so they hired a private investigator to gather more information.
Note: Shawn Lonsdale had 2 convictions one with a mugshot.
A bit later there was a picture with the order to arrest him cuz he was dangerous.

Its sad but true that Shawn Lonsdale is not amongst the living today.
It seemd as the death was a Suicide.
Isn't it a bit of a coincidence that he died while delivering ACTUAL critique about the scientology church.
You already saw how far they would go to keep people from critizing on scientology.

Note: Shawn Lonsdale is ONE OF THE MANY deaths linked to scientology and i'm only scratching the surface of their dirty deeds !
They've been the target of anonymous for a long time.
Groups as Anonymous are making this world a better place.



Kurt Cobain killed by the illimunati !?

Is Kurt Cobain killed ?!
Kurt cobain killed by illimunati

Most of us know Kurt Cobain as an insanely talented person.
His music reached alot of people but where there is good there is evil.
Did Kurt Cobain commit suicide or did someone murder him and why !?
Why would anyone kill such a talent ?!

Kurt cobain killed by the illimunati ?!

We know for a fact that the illimunati has the whole music bussines in their pocket.
When they need to get rid of someone they just send someone to do the job for them.
We saw this exact thing with Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson once made this song "They don't realy care about us" meaning that their producers don't realy give a damn about them aslong they receive money.
Just as Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain is a legend in the music world.

They say Kurt Cobain commited suicide and that isn't so strange since alot of people can't take the burden of life anymore and they choose a way out.
But Kurt Cobain got a daughter recently before his death which he was very proud off.
Not only did he had a daughter he also was at his peak in his carreer.
Kurt cobain killed by illimunati

His numbers were very popular and he was at his peak earning all the money he could wish.
His life itself was at his peak so it wouldn't make sense that he commited suicide.
The day he died they checked his blood.
The amount of heroin in his blood would make commiting suicide impossible.
Even though taking that amount of drugs is either due to personal problems or an addiction unless someone forced you.

At the day of his suicide he left a rehabilitation facility and his wife reported that could be suicidal.
Even though since LOVE ordered a private investigator named Tom Grant to find Kurt Cobain this investigator said that he didn't suicide but he believed kurt cobain got killed.

Even though this never has been proven alot of people seemed to speak out about Kurts last moments.
Everyone has hard times in life but if you manage to overcome these life will get beautiful in no time! If you know someone who might be suicidal or has some serious issue don't hesitate to help and in case of suicidal thoughts try to find some PROFESSIONAL help for this person !

Ebola vaccin !?

Ebola vaccin !?
Ebola vaccin

We all know ebola and we all know how dangerous it was...
It killed thousands of people all over the world and it wasnt its first time !
What if we recreated ebola ? What if the vacin contained ebola.

Ebola outbreak !?
ebola vaccin

In 2015 there was an outbreak in Nigeria and wouldn't it be a coincidence if there are alot of diamond mines back there ?
Even though diamonds are literaly worthless since the amount they're selling it for it is better to mine it than to leave it rigth ?
Well not if you have to kill people for it.

It has been said that ebola was a artificial remake of the original virus. So that America could get their troops there.
Isn't it a coincidence ? That on that specific area there was an outbreak ?
Ofcourse it was but people often don't think further than their own country.

America went to nigeria with a vaccin this should be the cure for ebola. What they didn't tell those poor people is that that vaccin actualy was ebola.
Ebola vaccinAmerica had a reason to stay there and they had no competition in the mines they could literaly take all they actualy want.

What if I am wrong what if there was an actual outbreak. Would America go and help just like that ?
If there was absolutely nothing to benefit from ?
We are humans we always go for personal benefits.
We can't help it but is this a reason to kill thousands of people for some money ?

If this is true then it means the world elite literaly can do anything they want and actualy get away with it.
They didn't even hesitate isn't that abnormal ?

They could also spread this virus just to prevent overpopulation something that is getting more serious by the day.
Everyday there are more kids born than people dieing which might seem cute and sweet but the ugly truth is we don't know if we can house more people much longer.

Earth is running out of resources and we humans are its virus. We use literaly everything we can get we cut every single tree out there.
While we need more of it to keep ourselves alive.

zaterdag 6 mei 2017

Aliens are real !?

Aliens are real !?
Aliens are real

I'm not talking about the old roswell incident or about the various amount of reports.
No, what if aliens are real ? What if they're out there are we ready to protect ourselves ?
We have atomic bombs we have so many nuclear weapons to wipe out earth's population 4 times but are we ready to protect ourselves if we have to ?

Are we ready for aliens !?

We're all familiar with the variety of stories spreading the word that aliens are among us.
That might be true and this would mean the aliens on our planet aren't hostile.
Or not yet.

Aliens are realWhat if there is an hostile civilization out there and no offense we can't blame them for being hostile if they are so.
It has been said that life on earth is getting monitorized and if they see how we rather slaughter each other than work together.

That wouldn't only mean we're an easy target cuz we would turn against each other so easily.
This would also mean we are not capable of working together without stabbing each other in the back atleast once.

We humans don't care about casualities aslong we believe it is for the good cause.
We handle without any idea about balance and real GOOD we believe something is right cuz we want it to be. Even if this is world war 3.

So are we ready for aliens ?! well some of us believe the world powers have plenty of weapons to do so.
But perhaps we have no idea of what to expect while they might know all about us.
And let me tell you this won't be as easy as movies show us.
We won't win if something like that happen.

Aliens are realHell, we can't even handle a virus if it would spread we rather make a virus to kill each other for personal benefit.
So in other words we might be capable to travel through space and we might know a few things about alien civilizations but aslong as we keep turning on each other i don't realy think we'll ever be ready.

Aslong there is a gouverment lieing and religions trying to control our mind & secret societies controlling our planet then we won't be ready.
We should live in unity in stead of fighting each other.

Hidden portals in space !?

Hidden portals in space !?
hidden portals in space

We all know wormholes & portals from those movies as interstellar.
You can travel through an imense amount of space & time in a matter of seconds.
But what if this is actualy true but they just didn't go public yet !?
What if NASA itself confirmed this ?

Hidden portals above earth !?

Well at first it all seems as if our favorite science fiction movies could be based on real facts.
And everything has a sort of truth hidden within them.
Hidden portals in space
Nasa came forth that a Nasa funded research actualy came with a breakthrough.
They found a way to find hidden portals WHICH ARE REAL !

Basically you can travel from point x to y in a very short amount of time.
But they don't know if it is safe.
It is true but they don't know if it is safe for us humans.

How would they test it right ? What if they've already done this ? What if that is how they look for other planets.
And could this draw other life forms to earth ?

Well suprise suprise NASA actualy launched a mission in 2014 to observe the portals and see how they work.
Which would be hard since they're invisible BUT they found a way to trace them.
Hidden portals in spaceSo if they knew about this they should've known something by now.

So what are they hiding from us a alien civilization or other dangers ?
Something specific or not ?
There are alot of questions with almost no answers.

Are they specificly hiding this from us and why are they hiding such thing.
The reasons are obvious if there are portals opening around and above earth it is obvious it'll attract life forms.

But the dangers are very big either cuz asteroids could get in without us noticing this.
Not only asteroids what if they're hostile and they'll kill us all?
The options are endless and if we're finding this out it'll be to late !

Michael Jackson death by illimunati !?

Michael Jackson death by illimunati !?
michael jackson death by illimunati

The whole world was sad when Michael Jackson died.
Did you know Michael Jacksons death wasn't natural ?
Did you know his doctor killed him due to a overdose of propofol.

Michael Jackson announced dead !
michael jackson death by illimunati

Alot of people loved Michael Jackson and when he died the whole world was in shock.
His parents and family however seemed to expect his death.

Alot of people die so it isn't realy a shock to me that someone died just like that but here is the weird thing.
The day before michael jackson died he said to his son "They're going to kill me" the next day his doctor killed him.

What alot of people don't know is that AEG live hired murray ( his doctor ).
Michael jackson death by illimunati
Did they had something to do with this ?
Michael wasn't very happy with Sony and they couldn't stand each other.
Michael spoke out multiple times about the corruption of the MUSIC industry and how they steal , cheat from their clients.
He said that Labels realy conspire against their artist and do everything they can to do profit more than they should.

Michael's parents then filed a lawsuit to AEG during his This is it tour.
AEG however claimed that michael jackson had full control of his medication what wouldn't be true since propofol works within 40 seconds.
So it would almost be Impossibile to do it by himself.

Could he have done it by himself ? Michael Jackson was addicted to painkillers.
This addiction costs him 46.000 dollar a month.

Reptilians among us !?

Reptilians among us !?
Reptilians among us

Alot of people know the stories about the ELITES ruling the world but what if those ELITES are actually Reptilians !?
What if our whole entire world is ruled by reptilians and you didn't even know this !?
Wouldn't that be a shame !? so just keep on reading and find out the truth !

Reptilians conspiracy !?

To know the full story we first have to go to the origins.
Reptilians among usThe first one to talk or write about reptilians is David Icke.
He writes books about conspiracy theories and he blamed the elites of the world for being their legacy.
Others believe the top of the world can even TRANSFORM in their true form whenever they want.
There even is some evidence.

People often blame the illimunati for these reptilians since they're both based on the same theory.
It has been said that every popular artist and actor, president and ministers billionairs and millionairs are one of those reptilians.
They rule the world and control every bussines.
It even has been said that they use the news and the music even just television programs as a way to mind control you.
Even though this seems to be true since they can make us hate and target one specific religion just cuz they display the videos they want to display.

It has been said that when you start in the music bussines and you don't obey them you won't succeed.
Kanye West even has said to have spoken out and the illimunati was warning him !

vrijdag 5 mei 2017

Time travel conspiracy !?

Time travel conspiracy !?
Time travel conspiracy

When i'm talking about time travelling i'm not talking about those popular movies like looper.
Or stewie from family guy.
No, I actually mean time travelling !
Time is everywhere if you like it or not but is it possible to manipulate time to go back & forth !?

Time travelling!

Back when kennedy got assasinated they received a call with someone telling them what was going down the place the time and all the necessary information.
Note: this happened before the actual assasination and they didn't take it serious.

Time travel conspiracyThey tried to trace the person but she / he was never found again as if she / he dissapeared from the globe.
Now we all know about the gouverment and their power.
If they wanted to find someone they wouldve had no problems UNLESS the person wasn't from that time and came here to warn us.

Some people also believe that donald trump is actualy John smith if i'm right who is from the future and came to warn us for what would happen.

But what if the gouverment know this and when something is happening what they don't like they just go and change it.
There is one thing we learned from these movies and that is altering the past is never EVER good.

This however would prove us that there are multiple dimensions since if altering the past has no visible changes for our present time.

However when for example they could prevent kennedy from assasinated they just had to hide him and fake his death on the same way.
Changing the past should have visual changes for the present sometimes even VERY BIG changes but what if you time travel not to alter a specific event but for example hide a cure for cancer as example.

It wouldn't realy change alot would it !?

The moon landing was staged !?

The moon landing was staged !?
The moon landing was staged

We all witnessed the landing on the moon and it was a big step for humanity but what if this never happened ?
What if all those emotions we felt that day the excitement was all for nothing and they've been lieing to us JUST to be "first" ?
Or did the moon landing realy happen and is this just imagination ?

The moon landing was fake facts !

There are alot of things that prove the fact the landing was staged.
Some people say that there is no wind / air on the moon which actualy means the flagg had to be down unless tied to something to stay like it is in the picture.

The motive behind staging this moon landing is the problems that weren't fixed yet.
Which is the reason they didn't actualy do the moon landing.
Even though they anounced it they weren't ready but even back tthen they were pretty good at covering things up and hiding stuff.

Fun fact did you know they took one picture each second ? to be exactly each 1.19 second.
Which is alot of pictures.
The reason why alot of people used to believe the moon landing was stage not only did china check the exact same spot and saw nothing not even the flag.

In alot of pictures even long distance pictures you see the same background which is proof of a movie set.

To read more about the moon you can read my earlier posts :

It hasn't been proven to be true neither to be false the evidence on both sides is overwhelming.
Noone realy spent their time in investigating since for alot of people it didn't matter.
But doesn't it matter if a gouverment lies to a whole continent maybe the whole world ?
Just cuz they wanted to be the first !?

Bohemian grove conspiracy !? (ritual footage)

Bohemian grove conspiracy !?

The bohemian grove is a place for the elites and only the elites !
It's an event that happens once a year and only for the realy powerfull people.
Prime ministers, presidents from all over the world.
What if someone actualy infiltrated the event !!!?

Alex Jones infiltrates bohemian grove !?

On 15 july 2000 Alex Jones infiltrates the bohemian grove together with his partner back at the time.
He said they held serveral pseudo-pagan rituals and were very inmature.
He said and i quote:
These people might have reached the apex of their professions, but emotionally they seemed trapped in their college years.
No woman has ever given full membership of the club even though only 4 women went inside the bohemian grove as honoured guests.
Bohemian grove conspiracyEvery member may invite guests for a specific event.

Note: to be a member you'll have to wait 10-15 years before you'll get your answer !
Due to infiltrations the club bans journalists from their ground to protect their privacy.
Even though Alex Jones infiltrated with a boat. Someone before him once infiltrated the club as a "guest".
When you get in you'll be greeted with a sign with a satanic face on it.

The event usual starts with a cremation of core wich is a ritual to honor Moloch ( an owl god )
There is an overflow of the best food and expensive wine !

Bohemian grove illimunati & human sacrifice !?

Is the bohemian club actualy the illimunati ? we all know the illimunati is true even Kanye West confirmed this multiple times.
Bohemian grove conspiracyWhen he spoke out other actors were like "I think he is depressed", "I think he feels sad" and make up all sorts of excuse why he spoke out. 

It has been said that the bohemian grove has serveral rooms for serveral rituals even a necrophilia room and criminal activities are one of the habits at the bohemian grove.
Police investigations however went nowhere.
When the police arrived everything was gone except the people no evidence.

Or well that is what they say, honestly even news outlets used to take part of this event.
All the powerfull people used to do this.
So i realy think controlling the police is one of the easiest things for them.

And yes even George Bush ( again ) has confirmed to be a member of the bohemian club.

Strange sound from the sky !?

Strange sound from the sky !?

Are you one of the people who witnessed the strange HUM sound from the sky ?
It's a strange phenomenon that happened all over the world !

Some scientist tried to debunk conspiracy theories by saying it was a solar flare and others said it was a magnetic force from the sun.
None of those scientists were right and never confirmed they were either.

Strange sound from the sky around the world !

A few people who messaged it has a various amount of explanations.
Muslims often believed it was Allah ( their God ) who was warning us all.
We were ruining each other and this world and he wasn't happy.

Others believe there is a Alien civilization out there who is monitoring us and isn't happy about the current events on earth.
Since we're all destroying each other AND earth !

Then other people believe the wrath of God is comming.
He hates humans for what they've done to his lovely planet and he comes to punish them.

Some people believe it was just "happening" nothing special about it and so forth.

But what is a good explanation for the apocalyptisch sound that was traveling through the entire world ?!
It often lasted for minutes but went away just like that.
It would return very often and scared alot of people.

Strange sound in the sky meaning ?!

Well what i personally believe is a Alien civilization warning us since they're monitoring us ( for more go to :

All these links are posts related to my beliefs about the alien civilization !
What i do believe however is that they have a base on the moon ( confirmed by a few NASA staff members ) 
Where they monitor our lifes, why they do this is for me unknown.
What i do know is that Nasa is hiding something !

donderdag 4 mei 2017

How to become a skull and bones member ?!

How to become a skull and bones member ?!
skull and bones cult !

You might know them or you might've heard about them this is one of the secret society that is not that secret anymore.
We don't know a thing about their practices but what we DO know is that only the rich and might are capable of joining them !
Even 2 US presidents were members since their time on yale ( the university and home / recruiting of the society ).

Skull and bones cult Skull and bones cult !

We all know that skull and bones is a cult or a secret society but we also know that it's not JUST a cult.
Only the rich and mighty or people who'll end up rich and mighty are capable of joining !
They have specific greetings so it would stay a secret.
Untill it got public that 2 members of the bush family were members of skull and bones.

They have the same purpose as the illimunati only skull and bones got public.
To join them you have to do specific rituals.

This video is REAL footage ( even been on the news at the time they were getting public ) of a skull and bones ritual.
Some people believe that the skull and bones have some satanic and occult believes other believe they just care about money and they control this world.

Other people believe they do both and they're the illimunati's biggest concurrent out there ! It is well known that skull and bones are one of the most elite groups out there !
Every member has a certain influence on a certain branche.

Other people believe the illimunati is skull and bones but they're going secret again or they're both members of both.

It has been said that the skull and bones have their own tomb at yale which is both creepy and weird but well yeh if it makes them cash i think noone can stop them.

Hitler and occultism !?

Hitler and occultism !?
Hitler and occultism

People who believe in the art (for those people) of occultism also hate the jews very much.
Are hitlers beliefs one of the reasons why he targets the jews ?!
Did hitler knew more ?!
Why didn't they kill him !?

Hitler and occultismHitler occult power !?

If you know what occultism is you should know that it is a form of satanism but in a different way.
Those people believe SATAN is not the devil but the real GOD and this ruler we call GOD is actualy the trickster who took us of all our ORIGINAL powers.

They believe humans were destined to be super beings with serious powers but the trickster made us believe in him and took all our powers.
Whilst the demons which are actualy our angels are hidden in the orion belt.

They do practice rituals and so forth and there are alot of branches you could specialise in.
Even though there are people on youtube as E.A koetting they ussualy just use overdramatic effects and they make this seem fake.

Others are serious about their beliefs and spent their whole lifes performing rituals and honoring their beliefs whilst getting more experienced.
Hitler himself was very intrested in the occultism and some people believe that is exactly why he went after the jews ( people who believe in occultism often believe that the jews control the world they see them as the illimunati ).

It's known that hitler was very intrested in occultism and he did tons of research himself.
Hitlers deeds were very very bad but you can't deny he was a very smart man.
Unless you think you can hold off a few countries at a time whilst eleminating one specific race.

Other people believe that occultism is equal to the illimunati since some people believe illimunati worships the devil and yes illimunati is controlling the world.

In this video you see EA koetting people like this are often imposters and they don't realy understand the full concept as he acts as a high priest.

Hitler and occultismNazism and occultism !

Alot of people believe that alot of nazis were strong occultist believers and that is why they were so loyal to hitler since they hate the jews.
That is also why they had no problems eliminating the jews.

Other people believe hitler was a high priest in the occult circle but the rank was never known.
The nazi's often were looking for old relics that is one of the things we know.

Prince philip died ?!

Prince phillip died ?!
Prince phillip died

This morning the Queen of England called her staff for an emergency meeting.
However before this happened a site with the name sunwebnews if i'm right posted an article about prince phillips death and corrected removed this article before people had the possibility to read.
Or well they thought so.

Prince phillip diedDid Prince philip die ?!

According some news papers he is alive and well but not everyone believes that.
Why not you may ask ? Because the speed of posting the article and removing it was so quick it made people believe they're covering this up.

However if this is true this would be sad news and according to some people they would get a replacement "a lookalike".

I do believe there is something wrong cuz it's not normal for news papers to remove articles just like that and you have to know the article was ranked high in google.
If you have any idea how hard it is to rank something in google ( unless its big news ) you would understand my doubt !. 
Why do we call him prince ? He is / was prince of Greek and Denmark.

Literaly 5 minutes after the article was removed the queen called her staff for an emergency meeting !
This doesn't happen that often so it's very rare for the queen to call upon her staff as an emergency.
Why are they covering this up if this is true ?!

I mean if people are replaceable then why replace poor people but not the ELITE PEOPLE.
Yes they might have the world in hands simple cuz we give them the world and they give us money.

Why people believe they're covering this up is pretty obvious i mean the rare and weird stuff that is happening after the article was released is imense.

Prince philip has said if he dies he wants to reïncarnate as a virus and kill 1/3th of human kind so he wasn't that noble cuz this kind of people is ruling your country !
And even though the queen denies something happened.
Media from all over the world reported other wise !

So or something is happening something bad and he should've died but didn't ( this would explain the unusual emergency meeting ) and war is about to happen ?

Or the prince realy died but the queen doesn't want anyone to find out yet for some reason !

The other option is that the queen is actualy speaking the truth and there is nothing wrong with the prince and something else is happening ( the emergency meeting )