
dinsdag 9 mei 2017

The heart attack weapon !?

The heart attack weapon !?
The heart attack weapon

A weapon that is untraceable and will always result in the same cause of dead ?
Dangerous right ? but why do we need this weapon ?
Why do we need a weapon that is untraceable and will always end up giving us hearthattacks.

The CIA assasination gun ?!

Yes, The cia was inventing this gun simply cuz they could assasinate people and it couldn't be traced back to them.
So everyone who would disagree with the CIA or the US in general could get killed isn't that dangerous ?

The gun would shoot a frozen bullet with shell fish toxins. When the bullet is in the target it melts instantly and causes a hearth attack.
The heart attack weaponJust as simple as that. Noone could question the CIA cuz there wouldn't be any lead to go on and find the murderer.

It has been said that this weapon is out of use but people believe other wise.
When the CIA has a chance on using a gun that is untraceable believe me they won't just leave it there.
They'll take their shot and develop the gun.

Who is going to stop them anyway ? It has been said that Mark Pittman is death by this weapon and here i'll tell you why.
Mark knew alot about this weapon and said that the crisis etc is the fault of this weapon.

A bit later he turned out to be death. They declassified the weapon and said they didn't continue the project but there is no prove out there.
Still people are dieing all over the world but is this cuz of the CIA or is it just life?
I think we'll never know for sure !

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