
maandag 8 mei 2017

Are the night doctors REAL ?!

Are the night doctors REAL ?!
The night doctors

You might now that in the early years of America they went to get slaves in africa right ?!
But did you know alot of doctors used to practice on Africain people ?
We all know the ku kux clan and their racism is familair to everyone.
Maybe it is all even far worse than that !

Myth !

In every myth there is a form of truth hidden within.
Did you know that alot of doctors used to practice on slaves both the living and death.
The night doctorsSimply cuz they believed Africain people thought they were biological different than white people.

Doctors used to do cruel things as performing brain surgery without any anesthetics even when they were perfectly healthy just to try and find the difference.
Not only that they used to rob bodies from the slave graves & perform alot of studies on them.

The night doctors however are based on a myth with alot of different sides on it.
There is one in the SUPERNATURAL sector but on in the more realistic sector.
The night doctors however are said to roam around and hunt on slaves.

Performing cruel studies on them. Back then the slaves were living in fear.
They kidnapped slaves in the name of research.
All this is suposed to be a myth.
But the serious amount of articles and rumors released about them sometimes makes it seem other wise.

They used to disect the slaves so they could see the internal differences.
There weren't enough bodies to supply every school so they went to rob graves.
The night doctorsAnd in the worst case they would kill slaves.

The night doctors !

The night doctors are most of the time the invention of white doctors.
They said that those night doctors were wearing ku kux clan clothes.
They're also called dread doctors.

3 wicked scientists who live forever in a seperated dimension thriving to find perfection.
Experimenting on every living being they need.
You could see them if you read a specific book or heared a specific tune.
So low you wouldn't even notice it.

Note: this is only a myth but a very intresting one.

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