
zondag 7 mei 2017

CIA hypnosis assasins ?!

CIA hypnosis assasins ?!
CIA hypnosis assasins

Do you believe in hypnosis ? Do you believe that your brain can come in a sort of trance while your brains are in the theta state ?!
What if it is real and the CIA actualy uses this to hypnose people to make them work for them.
What if i told you it might even be their daily practice.

The assasin theory !?

There is a theory out there that the CIA used to hypnose people and made them to do specific things with a trigger word.
They had been told to go to a certain place and wait for a call during that call they would say the trigger word and they would do what they've been ordered.

CIA hypnosis assasinsThis was a great way of secretely sending a message that shouldn't be traceable.
Cuz only the people with the trigger word would actualy know about that.
This was a very common practice and a very efficient one.

It also has been said that the cia uses hypnosis during interrogations so they would get every information they need just like that.
But note : hypnosis is not that simple it takes a while to prepare and it is hard and almost impossibile to perform when someone doesn't want to get hypnotized.

You need to believe in hypnosis in order to work is one of the most cliché things out there.
It is possible to hypnose anyone but it is not possible to make them do ANYTHING against their will.
For example undress theirselves just like that.
That kind of stuff is not possible since there is one limitation named free will.

Every thing from hacking to the simplest job in the world can have dark side if you let it to.
Or as hackers would say this everything has a blackhat side.
I'm not familliar or well not that familliar with hypnosis.
But i've read it is possible to hypnose someone against their will with a specific technique.
CIA hypnosis assasins
They would confuse you by saying alot of things you wouldn't understand untill they think you're ready.
Then they would ACTUALLY hypnotise you and complete their job.
Note : it is not that easy and you shouldn't do it. I myself believe there is alot more involved.

To perform hypnosis you gotta be calm yourself you can't just yell to someone. You need to bring them to a very relaxed stated named THETA state.
Their brain is not asleep but not completely awake either.

Alpha state is when you're completely awake and your brain is functioning the whole time whilst beta state is when you're asleep and your brain is only doing the necessary functions for you to sleep.
Theta however is between beta and alpha it is relaxation you can fall asleep but you can't either.

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