
woensdag 3 mei 2017

2 Suns conspiracy

2 Suns conspiracy.

2 Suns conspiracy
For a very long time even a millenia we used to believe there was one single sun warming and lightening our planet.
But what if they've been lieing to us for the whole time ?
What if recent evidence proves us otherwise !

2 suns explained !

We often look up to the sky and sometimes if you look very closely you'll see things you never thought you would see as 2 suns.
2 suns conspiracyYou might think that two suns would burn us but that isn't true if they're perfectly located AS THEY ARE.
There are plenty solarsystems with 2 suns as it is usual in this universe.

A few people believe in this theory because for a long time no scientist tried and prove it to be wrong not even NASA which is very rare.
Other conspiracy theorists believe it is Nibiru or planet X  because planet x is known to reflect the light of our sun !

And for a very long time there were no evidence of a second sun but neither of a planet x till planet x was confirmed to be true there started to be evidence of a second sun.
Wether its the second sun or the planet x i don't realy know even though if planet X or nibiru is crashing we might all die anyway 

for more about planet x or nibiru go to :

Even big groups as anonymous who believe in this conspiracy theory have found & posted multiple videos from around the world proving there are two suns.
One star the closest is known to be our star and one we always saw !

2 Suns in the solar system !

Well we can make up theories even prove it to be true but the question remains why would they hide a second sun from us ? Is this so they have more reasons to sell us energy.
It doesn't realy make a difference you see 2 suns or 1 sun Ofcourse it makes a difference based on light & warmth and so forth but if one of those suns would explode or implode we would die anyway.

So in fact one or two suns wouldn't make a difference based on danger.
It would however prove why alot of people get skin cancer when they get outside in the sun cuz there is twice as much radiation and we're a very vulnerable race !

However the gouverment is known for hiding things from us cuz that is what they do somehow they act like parents and they act as if they know what is good for us.
They don't. They don't know what is best for us and their greatest fear is us getting smarter cuz we're to many people and we're getting to smart.

My other posts :
The hollow moon conspiracy!
We are not Alone !
Diamonds are worthless !
Hitler didn't die in WW2 !
Is God real ?
The artificial moon theory ! Planet X Nibiru!
The black knight theory.
Nuclear war on Mars
2 suns conspiracy
A zombie apocalypse
Am i a alien hybrid ?!

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