
vrijdag 5 mei 2017

The moon landing was staged !?

The moon landing was staged !?
The moon landing was staged

We all witnessed the landing on the moon and it was a big step for humanity but what if this never happened ?
What if all those emotions we felt that day the excitement was all for nothing and they've been lieing to us JUST to be "first" ?
Or did the moon landing realy happen and is this just imagination ?

The moon landing was fake facts !

There are alot of things that prove the fact the landing was staged.
Some people say that there is no wind / air on the moon which actualy means the flagg had to be down unless tied to something to stay like it is in the picture.

The motive behind staging this moon landing is the problems that weren't fixed yet.
Which is the reason they didn't actualy do the moon landing.
Even though they anounced it they weren't ready but even back tthen they were pretty good at covering things up and hiding stuff.

Fun fact did you know they took one picture each second ? to be exactly each 1.19 second.
Which is alot of pictures.
The reason why alot of people used to believe the moon landing was stage not only did china check the exact same spot and saw nothing not even the flag.

In alot of pictures even long distance pictures you see the same background which is proof of a movie set.

To read more about the moon you can read my earlier posts :

It hasn't been proven to be true neither to be false the evidence on both sides is overwhelming.
Noone realy spent their time in investigating since for alot of people it didn't matter.
But doesn't it matter if a gouverment lies to a whole continent maybe the whole world ?
Just cuz they wanted to be the first !?

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