
maandag 1 mei 2017

Why Nasa hasn't returned to the moon.

Why Nasa hasn't returned to the moon.

the conspiracy theory

We all know about the journey to the moon which was a great step for men kind.
And as you might know the last man to walk the moon Gene Cerman passed away.
His journey to the moon was at 1972 so why didn't they return yet?
Is there a reason they're hiding from us?
Or is it worthless to go back?

Alien Habitat.
the conspiracy theory

Ian Stevens believes that NASA didn't return cuz there is a Alien civilization or an ALIEN base on the moon where they monitor the activities on earth.
Nasa should know this and that is why they rather deny it to "prevent panic" then come clean to us.
Yes the gouverment hide things from us and NASA is known for hiding important stuff too.
But NASA IS ALSO known for cutting live feeds when there is something we need to know but in their eyes we don't have to.
Even though Stevens claim has been confirmed by some NASA staff as Paul wolf.
Some people believe that when they were on the moon during the period on the moon they had been trailed by life forms.

They have been instructed to keep this silent so the word wouldn't get known and people wouldn't ask questions.
Just as serveral staff  confirmed that when they were analysing the pictures they got on the moon they saw serveral spheres and other weird things they believed to be buildings from aliens.

The moon is hollow!
the conspiracy theory

When they landed on the moon and the ship was landed the moon was shaking for a very long time what isn't normal.
If a ship lands on earth yes it'll affect the earth for a minute or two TOPS on the moon however this was 30 minutes - 1 hour long.
This made serveral people believe the moon is hollow and if it is it is perfectly capable of holding or housing an alien habitat.
Even though some people say it is based on speculations other have seen it in hidden NASA files. Nowadays people believe  the moon is hollow cuz the seisometers kept ringing like a bell for a very long time.
Is the moon hollow or not we might never find out if NASA isn't planning on going back to the moon and doing research.

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