
maandag 8 mei 2017

The FBI poisoned the alcohol !?

The FBI poisoned the alcohol !?
The fbi poisoned the alcohol

We all know that the FBI & CIA do things they're not suposed to do but they do it anyway.
Aslong as noone knows it there is no problem.
But when there are cassualties people never take this lightly.
Even covering it up won't help them.

Christmass Eve in 1926 !?

Back in 1926 a men came running into the emergency room screaming that Santa Claus was going to hurt him and that he was right behind him with a baseball bat.
This person died of alcohol poisoning.
The fbi poisoned the alcohol
In two days 8 people died and during celebration a bit later 23 people died.

Alcohol poisoning can happen in alot of cases but it is strange to happen THAT MUCH in the same area.
It often happens when you drink much but faaar too much alcohol and most likely on a very young age since alcohol is more effective then.

What happens when the alcohol is poisoned ? Then poisoning a big amount of people wouldn't be strange right.
Why would they do such thing since it is easy money right ?

Well back in 1926 we were in the prohibition era and alcohol was banned. Still people kept consuming moonshine whisky and all sorts of alcohol.
Even though it was banned still everyone was drinking.

The FBI is that one spoiled brat that doesn't understand a No and gets frustrated when something doesn't happen their way.
So frustrated with the fact that people weren't listening and still were drinking.
The fbi poisoned the alcohol
They decided to poison all the alcohol as a form of statement even though there were 31 cassualties REPORTED note not everyone went to the hospital and so forth cuz they were scared.
Alcohol was banned so people often avoided the hospital for such problems.

In 1933 the prohibition ended and all the deaths were for nothing.
But why do they care right they're "just" people. 
They're our ancestors killed for being young and stupid.
If everyone has to be killed for being stupid damn i think 70% of our youth would get murdered.

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