
dinsdag 2 mei 2017

The Alaskan Pyramid.

The Alaskan Pyramid.
the conspiracy theory

It has been believed there is an ancient pyramid buried in Alaska.
But somehow the gouverment is hiding this from us!
And perhaps by reading this you'll see why exactly they're hiding this from us !
It'll all get clear if you start reading.

Free energy !
The conspiracy theory

The Alaskan Pyramid is said to be a device capable of generating energy to light whole Canada for free !
Awesome right yet the gouverment is hiding this from us.

Here is my theory why: Lets use aids or cancer as an example.
Lets assume there is a cure or remedy for aids or cancer as I believe there is.
Howmuch would they profit from a direct cure without any medication or pills needed to survive.
Lets say a cure costs $10.000  ALOT RIGHT ? lets say those pills $10 for an entire pack ?

It seems like the ideal thing to do is sell the cure instead of the pills cuz you would earn $10.000 each person.
But just imagine for howlong people with aids or cancer have to take these pills sometimes even for years.
$10 for every pack they'll benefit more from these pills than the cure cuz if there is a cure there wouldn't be any need for medication.
the conspiracy theory

And before you know aids wouldn't exist anymore.
So they would ruin their sustainable bussines to help people and believe me that no rich people are stupid and caring enough to do so.

So if the gouverment would give people free energy then what is the profit ?
Ofcourse people would be happy and so forth but they don't care about us being happy.
They care about numbers on their bank account.

They care about money and only money believe me.
That is exactly why they don't give free energy they would give something people always need away for free so they would give away a free sustainable bussines which makes the gouverments millions if not billions.

The conspiracy theory

As every theory has their believers they also have people researching this and it was when i was researching this myself i actualy found an intresting mail about an experienced  Navy captain.

For the whole mail you can go to : very intresting to read so.

What this mail is about is simple he went on google earth and was specificly searching in alaska for forms that weren't natural as you might not now a square or triangle or any drawing doesn't realy show up alot in nature.
So he found some evidence himself !

The conspiracy theoryBigger than egypte !

It has been said that the pyramid in Alaska is bigger than those in Egypt but noone realy knows the origin of this pyramid but we do know however that the gouverment is hiding this.
Is this another experiment of the gouverment or is this something far more complex than it looks like?
Ofcourse it's normal that they build this in Alaska as not alot of people will go and look for it wich is obvious !

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