
zaterdag 6 mei 2017

Reptilians among us !?

Reptilians among us !?
Reptilians among us

Alot of people know the stories about the ELITES ruling the world but what if those ELITES are actually Reptilians !?
What if our whole entire world is ruled by reptilians and you didn't even know this !?
Wouldn't that be a shame !? so just keep on reading and find out the truth !

Reptilians conspiracy !?

To know the full story we first have to go to the origins.
Reptilians among usThe first one to talk or write about reptilians is David Icke.
He writes books about conspiracy theories and he blamed the elites of the world for being their legacy.
Others believe the top of the world can even TRANSFORM in their true form whenever they want.
There even is some evidence.

People often blame the illimunati for these reptilians since they're both based on the same theory.
It has been said that every popular artist and actor, president and ministers billionairs and millionairs are one of those reptilians.
They rule the world and control every bussines.
It even has been said that they use the news and the music even just television programs as a way to mind control you.
Even though this seems to be true since they can make us hate and target one specific religion just cuz they display the videos they want to display.

It has been said that when you start in the music bussines and you don't obey them you won't succeed.
Kanye West even has said to have spoken out and the illimunati was warning him !

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