
donderdag 4 mei 2017

How to become a skull and bones member ?!

How to become a skull and bones member ?!
skull and bones cult !

You might know them or you might've heard about them this is one of the secret society that is not that secret anymore.
We don't know a thing about their practices but what we DO know is that only the rich and might are capable of joining them !
Even 2 US presidents were members since their time on yale ( the university and home / recruiting of the society ).

Skull and bones cult Skull and bones cult !

We all know that skull and bones is a cult or a secret society but we also know that it's not JUST a cult.
Only the rich and mighty or people who'll end up rich and mighty are capable of joining !
They have specific greetings so it would stay a secret.
Untill it got public that 2 members of the bush family were members of skull and bones.

They have the same purpose as the illimunati only skull and bones got public.
To join them you have to do specific rituals.

This video is REAL footage ( even been on the news at the time they were getting public ) of a skull and bones ritual.
Some people believe that the skull and bones have some satanic and occult believes other believe they just care about money and they control this world.

Other people believe they do both and they're the illimunati's biggest concurrent out there ! It is well known that skull and bones are one of the most elite groups out there !
Every member has a certain influence on a certain branche.

Other people believe the illimunati is skull and bones but they're going secret again or they're both members of both.

It has been said that the skull and bones have their own tomb at yale which is both creepy and weird but well yeh if it makes them cash i think noone can stop them.

Geen opmerkingen:

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