
maandag 8 mei 2017

AIDS is invented by the CIA ?!

AIDS is invented by the CIA ?!
AIDS is invented by the CIA

We all know how deadly aids is and how impossible it is to cure or well that is what they told us.
Millions of people die from it and all you can do about it is take some medications to take away or atleast soften the symptoms.
It is not possible "again that is what they tell us" to cure aids but it is possible to soften it ? hmm. Weird.

More profit ?!

AIDS is invented by the CIAYou might think the most logical conclusion that they invented aids to gain alot of profit on the medication.
That would explain why they don't release a cure or atleast not publicly.
Actualy AIDS is not SPECIFICLY for profit.

They actualy invented aids because they wanted to lower our population.
Even though the big profit they earn is also a logic explanation it is not the biggest problem.
If they need money they'll find some other ways.

Why lower our population ? The answer to that question is cruel but obvious.
More people is less resources and that makes our planet like a time bomb.
We're slowly dieing as we're running VERY SLOWLY but sure out of suplies.
Even though our consumation is growing big time and also is our waste.

I don't think it is a good idea to lower our population since it is cruel but that is perhaps why they choose cruel people to lead countries or even the world.
They need to make certain choices.
The only thing i realy dislike is that rich people & powerfull people have much more chance on survivng that us !

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