
maandag 8 mei 2017

Mind control through drinkwater !?

Mind control through drinkwater !?
mind control through water

Well we all know about mind control through religion and through music but did you ever heard about mind controlling through water & food ?!
Well it is possible and it is happening to humanity right now or well it most likely is.

Fluoride in drink water ?!
mind control through water

If you don't know what fluoride is it is common in water but it isn't good for humans.
Some people say there is no fluoride in our water but others say there is and a serious amount.
It has been said that when you drink a large amount of water with fluoride in it you'll eventually get depressed or gain some weight. You'll be more willing and less critizing.

In fact that little bit of fluoride can change your personality for a bit.
It can also kill people if it is consumed in a big amount it can stop your hearth from beating.
Which ofcourse will make you end up death if you don't have the required help.

mind control through waterHow can they use this to mindcontrol us?

Very easily. people who are fat or depressed even critize less are far more influenceable than people who are capable of thinking clearly and have the possibility to critize.
For example, the news is picturing moslims as if they're very bad people.
In nature they're actualy good people and you know what they're OUR people.
They're the same RACE but still they manage to make us hate them.

Why ? Cuz they can make us believe anything they realy want.
They control the news, they control the music bussines all they have to do is take awake your capability of critizing & thinking clearly and they can do literaly ANYTHING to you without you even knowing.

No, noone will come and rape you in your ass without you knowing no worries.
I am more aiming on the psychological stuff.
mind control through waterThey can make you buy things to make yourself "feel better"'.
Believe me you'll even feel better too since there is this effect named the placebo effect.

Your body can even get sick when you believe it to be.
It's not when you wake up and you keep saying you're sick you'll eventualy get sick.
No, When you feel bad and you don't feel like doing anything and you hate the whole while world.
You're more likely to get sick.

While people who are happy and very confident are less likely to get sick and even though when they're sick ? They'll still be confident.
This is all cuz imagination is a very powerfull force !

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