
zaterdag 6 mei 2017

Hidden portals in space !?

Hidden portals in space !?
hidden portals in space

We all know wormholes & portals from those movies as interstellar.
You can travel through an imense amount of space & time in a matter of seconds.
But what if this is actualy true but they just didn't go public yet !?
What if NASA itself confirmed this ?

Hidden portals above earth !?

Well at first it all seems as if our favorite science fiction movies could be based on real facts.
And everything has a sort of truth hidden within them.
Hidden portals in space
Nasa came forth that a Nasa funded research actualy came with a breakthrough.
They found a way to find hidden portals WHICH ARE REAL !

Basically you can travel from point x to y in a very short amount of time.
But they don't know if it is safe.
It is true but they don't know if it is safe for us humans.

How would they test it right ? What if they've already done this ? What if that is how they look for other planets.
And could this draw other life forms to earth ?

Well suprise suprise NASA actualy launched a mission in 2014 to observe the portals and see how they work.
Which would be hard since they're invisible BUT they found a way to trace them.
Hidden portals in spaceSo if they knew about this they should've known something by now.

So what are they hiding from us a alien civilization or other dangers ?
Something specific or not ?
There are alot of questions with almost no answers.

Are they specificly hiding this from us and why are they hiding such thing.
The reasons are obvious if there are portals opening around and above earth it is obvious it'll attract life forms.

But the dangers are very big either cuz asteroids could get in without us noticing this.
Not only asteroids what if they're hostile and they'll kill us all?
The options are endless and if we're finding this out it'll be to late !

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