
woensdag 3 mei 2017

Ancient Nuclear war on mars

Ancient Nuclear war on mars.
The conspiracy theory

Some people believe our beloved red planet called mars was once home to 2 alien civilizations.
Others believe mars is and always was as empty as it seems from satelite pictures.
But the truth is still hidden after all these years.

The conspiracy theoryNuclear war killed all life on mars !

People believe that there was an whole entire alien civilization on mars but once was home to a nuclear war that killed all life on mars.
This would explain the planets current condittion and some rocks having radiation on it.
Other people do believe all the craters are an impact of asteroids crashing into the planet which could be a logic explanation.
Even though pictures of NASA has shown some evidence of a artificial dome which was reflecting light.
The form couldn't be natural even though some scientists said it was an optical illusion cuz of the angle it was in.
But i rather believe that is a bad way of covering up.

Older models of mars ( study ) has proven that even with a dense CO² atmosphere mars was in fact colder than the earth has ever seen.
Making it more logic to house an entire civilization.

Some people believe that mars is as hot as it is due to alot of volcanic activity and the current state on mars.
Other people believe that mars is as hot as it is due to an ancient war which might seem more logic !

The amount of UV radiation on mars is not only scary cuz it could wipe out an entire civilization in no-time.
The conspiracy theoryIt also proves again that MARS wasn't always as it is since HOW does it house UV radiation as it does now.

Was there a nuclear war on mars ?

For now this question will remain a mystery since there is no way we can gather evidence from mars itself as we have no permission to go to MARS as NASA does.
Even though I think it's very weird that NASA is planning to colonise on mars in 2030 instead of the moon which makes more sense.
The moon has water and even though there is no gravity the planet isn't as hot as mars is and doesn't house the amount of UV radiation as MARS does.

This again makes me believe there are some obvious reasons why nasa is not going back to the moon. 

Going back to the moon and colonise there would be a more logic choice than Mars cuz we literaly know nothing of mars.
Yes we do have some pictures and people do some research but you can't do research in depth without analysing the enviroment.

So this makes me believe my theory about the moon is true or they're hiding something on mars or they know more.
They know more than they make us believe.
My other posts :
The hollow moon conspiracy!
We are not Alone !
Diamonds are worthless !
Hitler didn't die in WW2 !
Is God real ?
The artificial moon theory ! Planet X Nibiru!
The black knight theory.
Nuclear war on Mars
2 suns conspiracy
A zombie apocalypse
Am i a alien hybrid ?!

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