
vrijdag 5 mei 2017

Bohemian grove conspiracy !? (ritual footage)

Bohemian grove conspiracy !?

The bohemian grove is a place for the elites and only the elites !
It's an event that happens once a year and only for the realy powerfull people.
Prime ministers, presidents from all over the world.
What if someone actualy infiltrated the event !!!?

Alex Jones infiltrates bohemian grove !?

On 15 july 2000 Alex Jones infiltrates the bohemian grove together with his partner back at the time.
He said they held serveral pseudo-pagan rituals and were very inmature.
He said and i quote:
These people might have reached the apex of their professions, but emotionally they seemed trapped in their college years.
No woman has ever given full membership of the club even though only 4 women went inside the bohemian grove as honoured guests.
Bohemian grove conspiracyEvery member may invite guests for a specific event.

Note: to be a member you'll have to wait 10-15 years before you'll get your answer !
Due to infiltrations the club bans journalists from their ground to protect their privacy.
Even though Alex Jones infiltrated with a boat. Someone before him once infiltrated the club as a "guest".
When you get in you'll be greeted with a sign with a satanic face on it.

The event usual starts with a cremation of core wich is a ritual to honor Moloch ( an owl god )
There is an overflow of the best food and expensive wine !

Bohemian grove illimunati & human sacrifice !?

Is the bohemian club actualy the illimunati ? we all know the illimunati is true even Kanye West confirmed this multiple times.
Bohemian grove conspiracyWhen he spoke out other actors were like "I think he is depressed", "I think he feels sad" and make up all sorts of excuse why he spoke out. 

It has been said that the bohemian grove has serveral rooms for serveral rituals even a necrophilia room and criminal activities are one of the habits at the bohemian grove.
Police investigations however went nowhere.
When the police arrived everything was gone except the people no evidence.

Or well that is what they say, honestly even news outlets used to take part of this event.
All the powerfull people used to do this.
So i realy think controlling the police is one of the easiest things for them.

And yes even George Bush ( again ) has confirmed to be a member of the bohemian club.

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