
woensdag 3 mei 2017

The black knight satelite.

The black knight satelite.
The conspiracy theory

A piece of space debris or a 13.000 year old space ship named the black knight?
Is the gouverment hiding something from us or is this just some piece of junk and how does it get there?
There are alot of theories out there but here you'll be able to read my theory!

Is the black knight a hoax ?
The conspiracy theory

Without any information I would say yes but after some research I realy started to believe differently.
Perhaps you know the scientist Nikola Tesla which is an AWESOME inventor.
Even now peopel believe Nikola Tesla was more advanced than most of us and had technology he shouldn't have back then.

He received signals and believed they were from Mars which is ofcourse a logic reaction.
Ofcourse after some research Nikola Tesla reinstated that the signals came from another place in space.

Others believe NASA is covering this up cuz this is part of an alien civilization.
So do I, I believe that NASA doesn't want us to know the possibilities of Aliens out there.
The size and form of the black knight satelite is too uncommon to be some space debris and if it wasn't how could it get there ?

The black knight is caught flying around a couple of time.
The black knight is suposed to be 13 000 years old but i'll be honest i have no idea of the age of this Satelite and i don't think others can say how old it is since we have no way of checking it.

If it is that old then we know there is a VERY ADVANCED Alien civilization cuz if they could be in outerspace since 13 000 years ago we know they will be either MUCH MORE advanced or they killed each other with nuclear weapons.

Which is completely possible even Stephen Hawkin believes that when HOSTILE aliens would visit us we would extinct and here is exactly why.

Human kind is spending too much time killing each other and going to war with each other now once again America vs North Korea whilst there might be another civilization just gearing up.
Peace is very complex and only smart and advanced civilizations are capable of being in peace.

Don't be fooled it's not cuz there is no war that there is peace. Even though you don't see WAR in the news there never was peace and i'm not talking about terrorism i'm talking about human kind killing each other all over the world for all kind of resources.

The black knight circeling earth !
The conspiracy theory

It has been said that the black knight is circeling us right now and if that is true could it be that it is a part of the secret alien civilization on the moon and is this why NASA is covering it up ?
People often want to see this theirselves before they believe it is true and even then but sometimes you just have to believe !

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